MH-Jamali, writer, poet, columnist, Motivational Speaker & Social worker.

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The Story of Two Lovers

That ended without meeting each other forever only on account of difference of caste, community and tribe

ٻن پيار ڪندڙن جي ڪهاڻي جيڪا ذات، برادريءَ جي ڪري پنهنجي زندگي ۾ هڪ ٻئي کي حاصل ڪرڻ کانسواءِ ختم ٿي وئي 👉

Since Sept-2016, I see her daily in vehicle, in which I do sit & get down on my destination stop. Once I tried to see her continuously through eye twinkles eye blinks for a little bit of moment & sometime for moments of minutes continuously. She also replied through eye-contact. As I remember start march-2017, it was daily routine to see each other, without saying any single word to each other, but only eye-to-eye contact. Once on Friday 10th March-2017, I made a plan how to share my cell phone number or to get her cell number back. Suddenly a wonderful idea came into my-mind. I got call from my best friend, I just avoided what-so-ever he was saying, but I just told him my whatsapp number to send me a file....Hence it was a magic trick to share my contact number with her, I think so , if she was intelligent she could trace my number must contact me otherwise all it was impossible. She was on seat exactly behind my seat. The trick amazingly worked out she suddenly noted my number in a duration of seconds & start by sending a text sms on my cell phone, it was an un-known number, how-ever, what- so-ever she msg me is as under: When a new msg received on my cell phone.

I just feed-back-who is there?

She said, ajnabi....

I reply back, who ajnabi-unknown?

I said a few moments, after I have shared my number very technically, with an ajnabi set in this vehicle, so is that one?

She said, oh! yes same ajnabi behind ur back-seat.

She text, Relationships do not need promises, terms & conditions, it just needs two wonderful people, one can trust & one who can understand?

I reply back passengers in vehicle are watching having eyes to ours ...&

She replied, leave people, have they returned after visiting kaba.

Leave people just listen the voice of your self-soul...

I said, your enough to love, whom about I were seeking since a long...

She said, do u believe me. Its enough, plz..

Further she said, u love me so far...may I accomplish on your belief on my love.

she said, Love is great pray in love is pray to God..

we text each other-whole day to night...

she said, Oh love, its never been before me with someone else till yet but now with you only you, that night she had woke-up till 10:00 pm at night..

she said, she can't sleep now, I must sleep due to my job that I have to wake-up early in the morning.

But when Goddess of rest & peace hugged her into arms.

she text, It is not necessary that the beautiful persons may be good..Actually good persons are always beautiful.

she text, to-next-day morning.. I have not been slept yesterday night, don't what kind of relation is among us.

I text her, you are as beautiful in out-look as you will be in your inner-soul-personality from your bottom of heart...

she text, I am not as beautiful as u think, but the way u look at me, makes me beautiful.

I text, I wana to meet with u..?

she text, just feel, I am with you every-where..? where-ever u go... feeling someone, is also a kind of conversation & mind meeting with her loving soul.

She text, U r sweet more than honey...

She text, Relationships do not need promises, terms & conditions, it just needs two wonderful people, one who can trust & one who can understand...

She text,

Jadhen Gul Chanbeli JaTiran

Tadhen Yad monkhe Kajan...

Jadhen Sham ja Pacha laran,

Tadhen Yad monkhe Kajan

Disi tokh ko murki pawe

Tadhen Yad monkhe Kajan

Jadhen DIl Ja darwaza khulan

Tadhen Yad monkhe Kajan

Jadhen Royeen Kahen G yad m

Tadhen Yad monkhe Kajan

I text, How do I look like..?

She text, Just like my dream..

I text, How do u feel in alone, when I am not with u..?

She text, Thinking about some is equal to meet someone & to talk someone..

She text, Oh my love, Could I ask u for something, would u give me so please..?

I text, absolutely yes why not.

She text her, Give me a little space in your heart as well as in your life plz..?

I text her, absolutely u have already become a part of my life.

I text her, how we can meet... plz...?

She text, Imagine some-one, is a 2nd name of meeting someone in alone.

I text her, would not you leave me any-way..?

She text, I will be no-more after leaving u.

I text her, You are as beautiful as I imagine about u..?

She text, I am not beautiful your imagine & eye-sight makes me beautiful.

I text her, will you live alive without me..please?

She text, I am nothing without u...but just a skull-body, u have stolen my heart my soul, my rest of life & everything else that I have is only yours.

I text her, would you like to meet her, whom I do like much more....?

She text, how...?

I text her, go in front of mirror, you will see my beloved there in standing exactly in front of your eyes? look & tell me how beautiful is that one...?

She text, I went in front of the mirror, to saw your choice one person as u directed, so when I saw your choice, believe me I could not meet my eyes with her.

She text, Now listen about my choice the thick black long shiny hair of my beloved one & his beauty is worthy to see...?

منهنجي محبوب جا وڏاوار تمام گهِرا ۽ ڪارا آهن، هُن جي سونهن ته ڏسڻ وٽان آهي.

She text, when the black hair fall on his fore-head, may someone see that sight...

جڏهن اهي ڪارا وار سندس پيشاني تي ڪرندا آهن, ته اهو منظرڏسڻ وٽان ھوندو آھي...

She text, my whole life & all my happiness...may God gifted him...Moula Ali

منهنجي حياتي، منهنجي حصي جون سڀ خوشيون ان کي عطا ڪر، موليٰ علي.

ملندين منهنجي محبوب سان..؟ جيڪو منهنجي دل جو نواب آ..، منهنجي محبوب جا ذلف سبحان الله..

پوءِ مان به گڏ هلندم...واعدو ڪر، ملندين ان سان....؟ اڙي مان پنهنجا 100 جنم ان جي پيشاني تي گهوريان.

پوءِ ڪيئن ملندين ان سان...؟ ڪاش هڪ دفعو ان جي پيشاني چُمان، پوءِ ڀلي موت اچي ارمان نه هوندو.

ان جي پيشاني تان پنهنجي هٿن سان وار سنواريان ۽ پنهنجي رُوح سان ملايان جنھن ۾ منهنجي ساهه آ. ياران کي ڪير هٿ ته لائي...! اڙي لائيٽ ناهي نه ته مان توسان ان جي ملاقات ڪرايان. نالو ته پڇ نه ڀلا...؟ مان روح جي نالي سان سڏيان،، منهنجو محبوب ايترو تھ حَسِين آ...بس منهنجي محبت جو ڀرم رکجان، منهنجي ڀروسي جي ديوار کي ڪڏهن نه ٽوڙجان؟

First Soul to Soul, eye to eye & hand to hand meeting... I think it was 22nd April-2017 Saturday when we meet each other. Lips were silent Eyes were into eyes hands into hands. Oh how beautiful & wonderful was that moment.

Story is still continue wait for next update 👈

MH-Jamali Blog


Every man has lot of stories in his life. or every man is a man or (hero) of his story. Every (man or women) see & face in his/her life incidents, miseries, tragedies & learns a lot to become a man of ( knowledge & wisdom). who knows the art of, how to live the life? when some one more you love & more u respect, he/she leaves u alone in your time of difficult days. When you are in a difficult situation who comes near to you & stay with with you, realize your pain, your problems & heals your wounds & he/she ensure you to stay always with you on every step of your life (hand into hand) with you. That is the moment you become able to how/know about reality of (life & people) living around you, that how they are & who they are? in their (real lives), may be dear ones most close to your heart, your relatives, friends or followers? 

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MH-Jamali, Google Blogger & Youtuber, & free-server Web-Designer .